Apple new iOS 14
Today I am going to tell you about the iOS 14 of iPhone.Yeah, it has just recently launched at wwdc in June 23,2020. First I would say if you use this iOS you gonna get amazed and it's cool. So, let's start.
First of all, I would say that about the new home screen and it's pretty good because apple's home screen always attracted all the Apple users and it's not very different from the past home screen I mean you can get some similarities between the past and new version home screen and there is new app library which pretty good, by using app library you can easily see all the apps installed on the device, there is an app drawer which first time in iPhone and in the app library you can get a search bar which is organized alphabetically and it is also cool and you can also search anywhere by pulling down on the screen it's all over the screen. You can see on the right some widgets and you can't move the widgets here and there but you can add and remove the widgets. There are some third-party apps are on iOS 14 like there is some stock related app and the google assistant is available here as an app and you can enjoy google assistant and siree at any time and I think it is cool for apple users. Mainly the function widgets are changed you can get many options if you use the widget yes the widget are different like in the past and their functionality has changed so you can enjoy the widgets. If you have any phone call then it will not cover all the whole screen it will just show you like down notification and it helps you and if you are busy with your work you can hide and it will get silent and you can keep doing your work. If you are in video call then you can swipe up and it will show you the video and you can also do your other tasks while talking and you can also get this features on the video yes while watching the video you can swipe your video and keep doing your work which is also cool. The siree is not covering all the whole screen it just like a small tiny circle cover at the down of the screen. That's all and if you use the ios 14 I think you will enjoy it so good luck.

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